Create a Safety Culture by providing each terminal user with the Mobile Qavach and promoting “See Something; Say Something”. Real time reporting and imagery of breaches allows enhanced training and elimination of unsafe actions.

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A comprehensive module designed for meticulous safety tracking and proactive risk management in container
terminal operations. The foundation for ensuring an elevated safety standard throughout the terminal.

Facilitate the capture and review of safety observations.
Define various observation categories, types, and groups.
Streamlined workflow and real-time insights.
Seamlessly navigate, analyze, and generate reports.
Provides a foundation for root cause analysis.
Review inputs to escalate and to mark as near-miss.

Proactive and Preventive

See Something - Say Something

Failure to report an unsafe act potentially dangers lives. Yet, reporting even the smallest deviation leads to a culture of ownership and internalisation of the “Because Safety Concerns Us All” slogan. To facilitate this, the Qavach on Mobile allows reporting in at any time, from anywhere.

Real-Time from Observation to Inspection

Integration between the observer, HSE, Inspectors and various stake holders means prompt action and closure. Quicker elimination of hazards ensures a safer work environment.

AI Driven RCA and Action

Track frequency and repeat infringements pushing preventive action and inspection alerts. The system self-audits and sends out alerts to areas where conditions, time, density of operations are all primed to cause events. The warnings and alerts also flag off on Qavach on Mobile.

Data Standardization

Manual data entry is eliminated leading to huge efficiency, high adoption and system activated validation. This also allows KPI’s, Dashboards and Analytics and Insights.

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