Half the problem is solved if there is clarity in the cause. The Qavach uses 7 different processes to reach a conclusive cause with actionable CAPA.

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Root Cause Analysis

An amalgamation of all RCA methods ensuring that a seven-stage analysis across all parameters to precisely
identify the unique cause of an event

Integrated process from event to action
System driven assessment of contributors
Assessment of failures and ineffective actions
Auto generation of corrective action and preventive safety
Multiple contributor with well defined cause
Workflows, Notification, Documents, Reports

Analysis is done to a very high level of system-driven granularity, allowing independent analysis to remain effective.
Qavach Root Cause Analysis is also capable of an unmanned analysis for events with lower criticality and risk.
Additionally, Qavach allows Group Analysis by multiple stakeholders for Critical Incidents where severe damage, injury or a fatality may have occurred.
Qavach’s RCA is also designed to ensure that barriers are constantly challenged to ensure a high level of preventive safety.

Qavach’s Hybrid RCA

  • "Five Whys" Exercise
  • "Fishbone" or Ishakawa Diagram
  • Circle Map
  • Pareto Diagram
  • Casual Factor Charting
  • Force Field Analysis
  • Diagnostic Tree
  • Questioning Data Schematic
  • Affinity Diagram
  • Is-Is Not Exercise
Integrates all 10 Root Cause Analysis processes selecting best features of
each to give our unique Qavach RCA.

A Learning System that builds a Learning Organization

AI Driven Analysis

As soon as a new Incident is filed, Qavach does an RCA and sends its finding to HSE and Inspectors.

Three Levels of Processing

Simple and repeat events are automatically analyzed while critical incidents or fatality have a team-based analysis.

Integrated Triggers for Action

Works very closely with the event and risk to propose corrective and preventive action, while also analyzing ineffective action and action failures.

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